Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Not on the run

NATO officials are saying that Osama Bin Laden is hanging out in northern Pakistan and not on the run as claimed by US political officials. According to the political officials, for the past several years Bin Laden has been bouncing from cave to cave, crossing borders into other countries to avoid capture. To find one man in Afghanistan is hard enough, especially when citizens of that country are helping him. This news only makes it ten times harder if he is in fact being protected by other countries that we cannot enter to even search for him.

My belief is America is becoming too soft in its resolve; this individual has personally attacked Americans on American soil and I think that we need to come to an understanding with Pakistan showing how determined we are to get Bin Laden-they’re either going to work with us or we will resolve matters in an unfortunately inhospitable way. If the Bush administration was indeed hiding this fact from the public to keep the war going as stated in yahoo news, then it is the Obama administration’s job to get Bin Laden to help end the war.

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