Sunday, September 26, 2010

Rising China

    Why is one of the largest economies receiving $2.5 billion a year from foreign aid?  That is a question on the lips and minds of many countries who give aid to China.  China says that it still needs aid because it is a developing country.  I personally believe its a classic "if you give a mouse a cookie" scenario.  If you have never read this wonderfully enlightening children's book, you should.  It may be a simple child-like perspective but how true it is in the adult world.
     China is spending money so frivolously with the Olympics and much more.  When is enough enough?  Take a hard look around you and pick up 10 items what percentage of those items are made in China?  Think about this: what would you think if Bill Gates gave millions of dollars to Mark Zuckerberg the creator of Facebook instead of donating it to the Feed the Children program?  How many people would be up in arms about the situation?  We need to take a hard look at situations to determine the road we wish to go down whether we help support boosting the worlds second largest economy to number one or try to take steps to maintain our own spot as number one.

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